Art Intro- James Rodriguez

This is my avatar logo design, after taking MMA 100, I’ve been designing logos and portraits, and one day I got board and decided to combine different shapes and used different colors. I imported my logo to Piskel and added the colors at the end. I went with a diamond shape logo and added light blue colors, since blue is consider my favorite color.

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Art Intro – Xaei Li

I inspired this Art on the animated movie Atlantis By Disney, My favorite animated movie. This replicates a really climatic scene which I don’t wanna spoil. The only difference is that the source of power is a key. A key to, or of(really..), to my emotions.

Chaos magic.

Art Intro – Leighton Snyder

It me.

My discord icon is a little lizard guy I’ve been drawing since I was six. But I use him everywhere, so for here, I just made a pixel image that somewhat captures my likeness.

Except pixel-me is much better at growing a beard…

Open Lab – Art Intro

(sorry for this huge gap, gotta figure that out)

Here is the avatar for myself, of myself and I hope you like it. Though I do not know how to get rid of the empty space sadly.

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art intro

I decided to make this avatar because I like watching anime, so I wanted to make a cute pixel with a little Japanese element. Here I added Japanese ninja elements, like those headbands worn by ninjas.

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Art Intro – AmongUs

Hello, hello! So I decided to create an avatar based on one of my favorite games (I have a lot) but I chose something that was easy to create in the piskel app and because if you were to ask any of my friends and family to pick a word that best describes “me” they would say ‘Gamer girl’. And AmongUs is a game I play with my nieces and it’s one of the first characters I showed my girls (my nieces are twins) how to draw and that lead to them to flourish into their creative side and create magnificent portraits that I hope to share with the world one day.

Art Intro Brandon

This is just a simple pixel sprite of my mascot character I use.
I debated uploading a full illustration but I figured that was cheating. It’s nothing special and quite simply but unique enough.

Art Intro

I made this emoji with a winky face while sticking his tongue out to show my weird and silly personality and to hopefully show some idea in games.

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Art Intro – Rose

This is my avatar. It is unique to me, because this is the persona I created for myself on the internet. It’s simply a chibi gremlin.

I made the canvas quite large by pixel standards, 250×250, in order to play around with the different features in the program I’m using. I found a quite helpful tool that while not a paint bucket, made filling in areas much easier.

Categorized as Art Intro

Art Intro – M.R.

The assignment was to design something that would “identify” me, so I thought: “why not use a face I already use”?

So the answer: use the avatar I’m always using for the face of my social pages. I hold close ties with this character, since he is essentially me, he’ll always be a part of my identity.

Icon looks like a PS1 memory card save data, now that I’m looking at it.