Background Music – Reuben J. Medina

This would be the background music for the start screen of the game.

This would be the first level background music.

This would be the second level background music.

This would be the third and last level background music.

I found this background music on, it is called 4 Chiptunes (Adventures) it was made by Juhani Junkala

Background – Reuben J. Medina

This a simple background for the game possibly in the section before the level starts where the player would communicate with the NPC.

NPC – Reuben J. Medina

This is the NPC SI (Synthetic Intelligence). SI was originally a human with human machinery and technology within his body due to an accident. The event causing machinery, technology, inanimate object to come to life caused SI’s machinery within him to come alive. This gave understanding of situations and feelings of humans and machinery alike. Due to this SI guides Teletrition (Protagonist) through the story

Categorized as NPCs

Obstacles and Enemies Part 1- Reuben J. Medina

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade while it is idle.

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade walking animation.

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade ability animation. It functions exactly as an EMP is supposed to function, to temporarily shut down electronic devices.