My First Level

Here is the progression of my first level with my scenery and rewards on the platforms.

My Scenery

I created clouds and trees by using Piskel and entering it into Godot as my scenery.

Categorized as Scenery

My Background

This is the background I made for my game. A blue sky with white clouds and tall trees.

Game Rewards

My game rewards are gold coins that the player can use to get more equipment and a heart that the player can use to get more health.

My Sprite Sheets

Categorized as Rewards

My Character Animation

Here are the sprites for my character’s Idle, Walk, Jump, and Dies animation.

Here is an animation in a Godot scene:

Character Design

The character design for my character was based on the style of my favorite two video game characters; Mario and Kirby.

This is my main character, Max. He is a boy who lives for adventure and the outdoors, no matter how many monsters he runs into, he never stops having fun. These are three different three variations of him.