Scene Manager – Leighton Snyder

I found the lesson very interesting, and the video did a great job at explaining how the different scripts communicate. A lot of other tutorials don’t mention the importance of this setup early on (scene manager, etc.) and then by the time you realize you need it, you already have a bunch of unorganized code. (at least in my few experiences) I appreciate the thoroughness! (even if I have to pause often)

Here is pink person marching to their death:

Character Animation – Leighton Snyder

Here are the sprites for my character.

Note that many of the animations (excluding the hit and death) are armless. This is the arm in question:

It’s a separate sprite because it will rotate to aim toward the mouse. So with that in mind, here are my sprites for idle, run, jump, hit, and die:

I made two idles, one without arms for when you are standing still with a gun, and one with arms for when you’re idle and you can’t attack.

Below are the running sprites (probably could have had fewer frames…)
There’s no bobbing up and down during the run because I don’t know how that would look with the gun arm staying in place.

Here is the jump. I don’t know if we’ll learn this later, but I’d like to have the last two frames loop as you fall. Not sure if there’s a simple way to do that. Perhaps I’ll just have to make the falling animation separate in Godot?

Probably should have a seizure warning for the next two, since they are endlessly looping gifs…

This is a simple hit animation:

And this is the death animation. Given the “afterlife” setting of the game, when you die, the character’s manifestation of their body is destroyed; leaving their soul (life essence/force/flame??) behind. (This is another instance where I would want the flame to continue looping after death.)

Here’s everything together in Godot:

I also made the two extra sprites.
A quick talking one:

And a melee attack, which I hope to incorporate one day, after figuring out the gun stuff.

Anyway that’s it. Thanks for reading!

Leighton Snyder – Character Design

Here are some examples of character design that I admire and use as inspiration for player and enemy designs.

The pixel art in Owlboy is amazing in general, but I like how expressive the characters are and how distinct the characters are. The unique details of each of the main characters also reflects their function, in addition to making them easy to identify. I’d like to make a character that can reflect that much personality, even when adapted for pixel art.

In general, I love the character designs in Studio Trigger shows/movies. Their characters are bold and dynamic, with unique easy-to-identify silhouettes. In a majority of their animations, they prioritize motion, and I feel like that goes a long way to informing the character designs. These are traits I’d like to emulate.

Kill Six Billion Demons is a fantasy web comic I really enjoy that excels at lore and worldbuilding. The designs for the human and non-human characters are unique and detailed. Not detailed in a “realistic” since, but rather they have a intricacies and details that reflect their origins, story, lore, etc.. I’d like to set a game in a world that rich, with character designs that build out that world.

So anyway, my character is a fast food worker who got hit by a dump truck on the way home from work, sent to hell for some reason, and teams up with a bored Devil to break into heaven.

Also, she has a gun.

Like a reverse 2D Doom, perhaps.

Hopefully those inspirations I mentioned will eventually manifest as I work on the game… ?

Programming Intro – Leighton

I’ve tried to teach myself Godot in the past, with mixed results, but the lab video does a good job of explaining all the things I’d normally just type and move past without ever understanding! It’s still a bit confusing, but the pieces are starting to click together. I also really appreciate the auto-filling in Godot and the (relatively) easy to learn language.

Because I did this first, before any of the art labs, I used the provided assets. But I’d like to do some of the art labs and then double-back to programming so I can use my own art.

Godot Intro – Leighton Snyder

Here’s my Godot Intro project. I goofed around a little and made the avatar a sad slime.

I’ve used Godot a little before, a while ago when I was trying to make a game on my own. I didn’t get very far that time, but right now I’m really enjoying using it, even with just that small assignment. I’m definitely looking forward to diving more into the program!

Art Intro – Leighton Snyder

It me.

My discord icon is a little lizard guy I’ve been drawing since I was six. But I use him everywhere, so for here, I just made a pixel image that somewhat captures my likeness.

Except pixel-me is much better at growing a beard…

Skill Tree – Leighton Snyder

I’m interested in every aspect of game design and find it hard to narrow down to a specific track, so it’s really difficult to not check every box! I realize that even this tree I filled out is probably not too realistic. I love art and animation, but I’ve had a little more experience with that in other classes. So, I figured I’d focus most on learning the developer and designer side of things. I’ve had some very light experience with Godot (just messing around) and look forward to learning more about it! I’m especially interested in NPCs and dialog systems, as I have no idea how to begin with that.

…and I still filled out most of the art tree, and that might just be me being optimistic, but I am still interested in how those things are integrated into Godot specifically. That said, I know a lot of other people are focusing on art, so I don’t mind filling in if there are any voids in other areas! (at least within my ability)