User Interface Design-James

For my User Interface Design, I wanted the home titled screen to have a science fiction style. The name of my game is called “Legions of the Heroics” since the theme of my game takes place in the future. Legions are AI robots and make up the majority in this world. In the options section, will allow the User to look at the instruction of how to control the player.

Backgrounds- James

This is my background, the tutorial will only have the sky and trees as part of the outside background. The rest will be inside a Laboratory, which the character will be exploring.

Rewards- James

For the rewards in my game, I decided to add coins, hearts and 1-up potions. For the coins, if you collect them, you are able to upgrade the player by increasing his heart stats or boost his attacks. For the hearts, they are there to collect if you are low in health. The green potion will not only restore you heart stat, but will give you a 1-up.

Categorized as Rewards

Tilesets and Platforms- James

For the Tilesets and Platforms, I want to have this sci fi look. You’ll see that most of my tiles have some sort of pattern. Before my character enters inside the Laboratory, my character will start from the outside of the laboratory were their will be a tutorial on how to control the character. (More to be made later on).

Character Animation-James

This is my Character’s walk, jump and attack cycle. While the character is just plain, I decided to rework on his design (Will have the new design later this month). Overall, the game will be a side-scrolling game, and this his basic move sets. Most one his moves are inspired by games like Fallen Knight and Mega-Man.

Character Design- James

My inspiration came a two games, Persona 5 and Astral Chain protagonists. I wanted my character to have with similar designs and personalities from my two favorite game.

This is the player, his name is Luca he is born in a dystopian society in the future and is task to go on a mission to stop an evil scientist from developing robots to eradicate the remaining humans. Lucky for Luca, he has an ally that’s a legion, who will guide him in his quest.

Programming Intro-James

After watch the Programming Intro video, I begin understand how the programming engine works, especially since I previously learn Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript and understand how variables work and the different types of data types like “Strings” are Text Types, integers are whole numbers and Booleans are only true and or false. I’m hoping to learn more as I continue to learn how to add 2d collisions and physics to my character

Godot Intro Scene- James R

This was my first time using Godot engine, somehow it is similar to Unity engine, but I found it to be much easier to understand how the engine works. I’m hoping to learn more about Godot by the end of the semester!!! Also, I used my logo as my player.

Categorized as Godot Intro

Art Intro- James Rodriguez

This is my avatar logo design, after taking MMA 100, I’ve been designing logos and portraits, and one day I got board and decided to combine different shapes and used different colors. I imported my logo to Piskel and added the colors at the end. I went with a diamond shape logo and added light blue colors, since blue is consider my favorite color.

Categorized as Art Intro

Open Lab Intro-Skill Tree-James Rodriguez

For my Skill Tree, I decided to use have a balance of Developer/Artist/Designer, because I want to at least have knowledge and basics of building my own games and to have a build portfolio by the end. I’m excited to work with my peers as we help each other out, and I hope to continue my education after completing this course.