Collecting Items

I get very excited when I heard the eaten apple sound and I enjoyed writing the script.

Here is the collecting items scene.


I enjoyed learning how scripts can relate to each other, Between the players and UI. and here is the final scene.

Programming Intro

I’ve learned how to write player and global scripts from the scratch and that’s the exciting part of the Programming Intro.


I created rocks, clouds, trees, and blue background.

And here is the Godot scene for the scenery.

My character designs

I was inspired by the character designs in Brawhalla which is the game I love playing it.

I chose some basics shapes like triangles, circles, and rectangles to create my character designs, and then I added a variation of colors to emphasize the character.

skill Tree – Heni Abid

This is the first time I took a Video Games class, so, I decided to choose most of the video games elements such as developer, artist, designer, sound design… I’m so excited to learn how to make a video game with Godot.

Art Intro – Heni Abid

When I heard the professor saying ” you have to create an avatar that is related to you “, The first thing that comes to my mind is the camera because I’m a video editor and a photographer which I work in my Media Production Company called “ABIDMOTION”

Categorized as Art Intro

Godot Intro- Heni Abid

I’ve enjoyed learning the basics of Godot, It is quite difficult at first but with practice, It comes easy and I’m having fun with it and I’m willing to learn more tricks.