Tilesets and Such

My RPG game takes place in a city. Well.. more like a rundown city which can use a bit more cleaning and.. reworking. Considering how I planned to make my characters stand out as they live in a desaturated city, I wanted to give that idea with these tilesets.

I’ll definitely make more of these in the future, these were more fun to make than I thought.

Character Animation: Walk Cycle

So, I know that animations are a bit wonky when it comes to putting them on this site so I’ll just test to see if this upcoming sprite animation works.

Oh, it did work. Weird.

Yeah, I’ve planned an RPG type of game for this. I wanted to keep the animation basic. However, when it comes to combat.. I’ll step up the animation and put in some MORE work and flashiness compared to this. I’m actually planning to use these sprites during the semester break for my RPG Maker game. Maybe it’ll be complete during that or I’ll have a good portion done.

Character Animation/Animation Icons


(..if these animation gifs even work.)

Sorry, I get excited when it comes to animation. Although the animation up there is a work in progress, I’ll be done with the actual completed animation soon. I have the basics down so all I need is the actual pixel art over this. This is actually the first time I did a quick animation with a scythe. I can do weapons, but not scythes. So, I had to borrow some references from other games; the main one being Ruby Rose from BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (or BBTAG for short), a guest character who came from a show online called “RWBY”.

BBTAG is a fighting game that uses sprites as well, I’ve played this game solely for the cast of characters that featured there. Ruby happens to be my main character that I use, she was perfect to get some animation references to help out. All I needed to figure out was the posing for my character, if it aligns with their personality, how my character moves during the animation, other stuff that is important to me. I’ll wrap my attack animation soon. But I did however create other animations!

I’ve made animated sprites that play as the text box appears. I wanted to make more emotions but I feel like this is enough for now. I really wanted to show off a bit of her personality in these emotes, and more to come later on if I do have the time. For now, I must make progress.

Character Design Sheet

Now this was definitely fun. I’ve had the idea of ordinary characters who seem innocent and civil during the day but can secretly be vicious, murderous, whatever leads down to criminal behavior. Here, I have one of my characters who I’ve shown in class a few times with her own two main designs. The regular casual design, and her “cult” design. There’s still more to flesh out with my characters, but the main idea is that this character is just someone who is more than just a friendly bystander. Can’t wait to do some of her animations.

(Oh, and I’ll add her “cult” design sprites eventually. I forgot to make that and add to this sheet.)

The Godot Intro

With enough motivation, willpower (or lack thereof), and relearning all I know about coding and etc, I finally create this godot intro. I wanted to draw my own sprites and add them to the intro cause why not. I wanted to do something more with this, but that plan failed (miserably). The only thing I can’t get working is the camera to follow my character. I’ve tried to add my script to the camera, didn’t work. I’ve tried to follow the vid exactly, that didn’t work. I don’t know for sure if I’m missing something but it is what it is. My skills are better suited as an artist but I’m back on my insanely slow journey to relearning tedious coding. Woo.

Art Intro

This is actually the first time I’ve tackled pixel art. I just grabbed one of my characters that I’ve drawn on the side and went on with what I normally know, but translate it to pixel art. Always wanted to do it, but never had the time. Now, for my first try I forgot to resize the image. It looks tiny as hell, and I was too lazy to redraw the entire thing at a bigger size. For my first time? Not bad, definitely gonna practice this again soon.

Categorized as Art Intro

Open Lab Intro

Normally, I’d go for every category but I’ll mainly go for the art categories. If I have the time, I’ll try the other categories since I do want to learn other skills on my own time. I already have plenty of experience to focus around the art category, but sometimes its nice to have some other skills aside from drawing or animating.