Character Design

Traxex (left) is my favorite hero from Dota because of her dark aesthetic. Most of the time, heroes embody good things; in games, light colors are used for the characters to capture that. Traxex could be seen as a villain, which is why I love her even more.

Lulu (middle) is one of my mains in League of Legends. I love her versatile style; she can be cute or frightening.

Super Mushroom (right) has a simple, cute, and impactful design.

The Super Mushroom inspired me, and I thought it would be a good idea to make something similar.

I’ve tried to make different variations of Fungi and capture her personality. She is very curious, optimistic but can be very naive.

Because of her naivety, she ended up being poisoned and turned into an evil mushroom.

Godot Intro

Here’s my first godot scene with Mushroom walking in a maze.

Categorized as Godot Intro

Art Intro

My first thought when reading the assignment was to pay homage to the first video game I’ve ever played, “Super Mario Bros”. I started playing video games at the age of 4, and it seemed appropriate to recreate Super Mushroom.

Categorized as Art Intro

Skill Tree Path

I chose to focus more on the programming side because it’s the part I’m most interested in. I would like to try every step, but I’ll try to do my best on these for now. I can’t wait to see how it goes.