Author: Brandon Moy
NPC fire sprite “sprite” (hah get it?) I has two i liked the black outline made it feel much more cartoony but the orange outline gave it a bit more aesthetic to it.
Character animation
Godot Intro
Didnt do much with it just making it work was a hassle at first
Obstacles and enemies
Sprite Sheet for an enemy i call corrupted souls, they float aimlessly and often cause harm and block paths in large enough numbers
Designing With Tilemaps
Just a basic test design level with repeating flooring and floating platforms
Tilesets and Platforms
For levitating/floating platforms
Character Design-Brandon Moy
My character lil devil, owns and runs a casino in which people bet their bodies and souls. In its default state its just a small round mochi like creature. It stands roughly at a foot and 5 inches. It has a liquid state it takes when its stressed or tired. It also becomes partially liquidous when jumping in for possessions.