Cave Tileset 32×32(WIP) – Ben Rosenblum

First display of tiles in action, right is technically not accurate, as I’m still learning the program itself, however the export to Gadot (first image below) will be correct (removed weird clipping on the cross/turn patterns).

Decided to work on a Cave/Dungeon tileset with a dark stone feeling. The right side of the first and the picture directly above are the “first” iteration of a complete product. It has the semi-floating rock hanging things within the same tile as the ground, which led to the issue of narrow walkways. While I quite liked that effect, realizing that it left the characters with something like a 20 pixel walkway instead of a 32 px walkway felt wrong, so I ended up creating this second one (below) with the tiles using all 32×32 pixels.

While this one gives more space, since the entire tile is used up for the walkway I created this next image to replace the “hanging rocks.”

The solution was this small tile (underneath), to be placed “underneath” the front tiles to give an illusion of hanging. I say WIP because I plan to create more tiles to go with this set, such as a wall, water/streams, and potentially a full set of “RPG elements” like barrels and chests, or piles of bones and stuff. Rocks are below, somewhat easy to miss.

Previous iterations (in order: top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right) of the current tileset for anyone interested

Programming Intro – Ben Rosenblum

Screenshot of the code, with friction, acceleration and max speed. Unlinks movement speed from frames per second (though probably not needed for our games).

Just a short video showcasing the movement capabilities and speed, as well as the character’s animation. (Not my own character, is my own animation). Has collision activated (all the blue circles) so as not to pass through mushrooms.

Art Lab – Ben R.


I chose this as my avatar because going as far back as I’ve been playing games, my username has always been some variation of Doctor (TheDoctor, NotADoctor, NotYourDoctor), which started because I was really into Doctor Who around the time I got my first computer. Shortly after I started playing competitive shooter games like CS:GO and since there wasn’t really a reason to be a “doctor” in a game about shooting the enemy before they shoot you, I changed it, briefly, to NotADoctor, and then stuck with NotYourDoctor because it sounded better to me. What really solidified it for me was the game Rainbow 6: Siege, where my main operator was, you guessed it, Doc. That’s where the icon and name come from, and I’ve been using the name ever since 2015 so at this point I’d probably respond to it without blinking in a regular conversation.

Skill Tree – Ben R.

I am attempting the Developer/Designer tree for this course because I want to find out if a Developer/Designer playthrough would be more enjoyable than my original plan, an Artist build.

I’m very interesting in learning the “simple” QoL things that occur in games, like auto-sorting inventories, or magnetic item pickups, or even just the intricacies of a level gated skill tree.