Background Music

Oh boy, either this is my favorite to sort out or animating characters themselves.. Now, I’m not the best at making background music, I couldn’t think of the right theme for my characters or the setting of the game. HOWEVER, I have a friend who does music and was willing to let me borrow his music for my RPG game. He’s not in the class, he’s someone I’ve known for a solid while overseas. We talk online, and I do really like his tracks. This was one of the few tracks that I picked for the background music.

HOLY SH- oh right, I can’t swear. I’m in class. I have to keep up the formal act for now. This track is one of my favorites that he’s created. I want the track to start at around 0:26, and then continue on as a loop. I’ll have to plan it out soon. Obviously I’ll give credit where it’s due when I do publish my game. I’m looking forward to working with him more soon.

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