Research #2

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 2

I used to read comics when I was a kid but I stopped after growing up, comics are very artistic in my opinion because they give a different feeling, it feels like I’m just reading a book but at the same time, watching a movie. I started watching comics after my friend told me to so I can relate with this screenshot.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 3

Comics also requires the reader to analyze in order to understand the hidden meaning in the story, it’s powerful if you get it. Comics also help us with our imagination, we can learn a lot from them and use them when we are brainstorming.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 6

Nothing is perfect, not even comics, there is always something that the readers won’t like. we are all different and we have different taste and that is the reason why some people hate some things and some people loves them.

Sybon Action

This game is really annoying because of the traps that are hidden, I died a lot of times because of my mistakes and that made me annoyed, the controls are a little bit hard to control due to the speed of the character.

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