Understanding Comics Research Lab – Joshua Young

“The trick is to never mistake the message for the messenger”

In Comics, it’s a whole other medium on how to convey a story to their respective audience. The medium is the comic, the message is shown within the comic, and the messenger is the author using the comic, what Mcloud wanted to say is to not confuse the authors words or intentions with what is shown in the comic.

“However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow– a mystery”

There is a vast majority of comics that have been released today, there may be a ton of hidden gems that can change your world view or others that have messages you hate. The many types of comics that focus on action like Marvel comics or the comics that are meant for comedic purposes like Garfield or the Sonic the Hedgehog comic. There will always be a shadow of comics for people because it also falls of their perception of what genres they’re interested in.

“Humans are a self-centered race. We see ourselves in everything. We assign identities and emotions where none exist. And we make the world over in our own image.”

Mcloud saying this quote to define how we as people perceive certain things as emotions like emoticons and even two dots and a line to signify a face. By making that connection, it explains the existence of being able to simplify certain expressions into more comprehendible images for viewers. Making images as simple as you can see fit can help bring that benefit of attracting more of an audience because it isn’t overly complicated.

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