Skill Tree – Leighton Snyder

I’m interested in every aspect of game design and find it hard to narrow down to a specific track, so it’s really difficult to not check every box! I realize that even this tree I filled out is probably not too realistic. I love art and animation, but I’ve had a little more experience with that in other classes. So, I figured I’d focus most on learning the developer and designer side of things. I’ve had some very light experience with Godot (just messing around) and look forward to learning more about it! I’m especially interested in NPCs and dialog systems, as I have no idea how to begin with that.

…and I still filled out most of the art tree, and that might just be me being optimistic, but I am still interested in how those things are integrated into Godot specifically. That said, I know a lot of other people are focusing on art, so I don’t mind filling in if there are any voids in other areas! (at least within my ability)

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