Art Lab – Ben R.


I chose this as my avatar because going as far back as I’ve been playing games, my username has always been some variation of Doctor (TheDoctor, NotADoctor, NotYourDoctor), which started because I was really into Doctor Who around the time I got my first computer. Shortly after I started playing competitive shooter games like CS:GO and since there wasn’t really a reason to be a “doctor” in a game about shooting the enemy before they shoot you, I changed it, briefly, to NotADoctor, and then stuck with NotYourDoctor because it sounded better to me. What really solidified it for me was the game Rainbow 6: Siege, where my main operator was, you guessed it, Doc. That’s where the icon and name come from, and I’ve been using the name ever since 2015 so at this point I’d probably respond to it without blinking in a regular conversation.

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