Assignment: Interactive Self Portrait

MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I
BMCC Spring 2022
Here is my self-portrait interaction.
Here’s my self portrait, the user can interact by moving their mouse.
Here’s my code:
The user can move their mouse to move the mouth on my self portrait.
Here’s a link to my project code:
here is the code for the portrait with interaction https://editor.p5js.org/GalBB/sketches/PxLCn4d2d
The user can move the mouse to change the color of the eyes, eyebrows, and hair, while also making the hair longer and the eyes follow the mouse
My self portrait with simple interaction. I got over ambitious and wanted to add interaction that requires more complex code. It tied my brain in knots and I decided to go with the “less is more” approach. I didn’t know where to add the “map” function on the code sooooooo… I’ll just take the points off.
The Code