Here is video of my Final Project, I recorded sounds of different drum kits from my electronic drums, and then modified the length of each one in audacity, and added them to here, add background picture for each kit and colors and letters for each drum.
This is my nested loop\generating patterns, I used a function to draw in the image, and then translated the x and y after using a nested loop, and added so rotation and random scaling between 1 and 4.
Here is my Animated meme, each click will change the picture, while the 1st will stand still, the 2nd will shake erratically, and the 3rd will zoom and then pop up the face in the picture and will loop back around until you click again.
This Meme is built on my original one, every time you click the meme it will change to the image in this order and will just loop back around once its gone through all 3
These are 2 version of the same meme, different wording.
explanation: In MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role playing game) there are usually 2 kinds of enemies, passive enemies and aggressive enemies, indicated by their name and health bar over -their heads, Yellow – passive, Red – aggressive.
passive enemies will not do anything to you unless you attack them.
aggressive enemies will become hostile and attack you when you are inside of certain range and in line of sight of that enemy, and some might try to flee from battle when they reach a certain health threshold.
this meme is about the aggressive enemies that flee when they reach that threshold.