here’s my Code.
MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I
BMCC Spring 2023
here’s my Code.
Here is a self-portrait of my cat Siho with an interactive mouse tail.
I updated the code for the image of the Isabelle recreation picture. It looks cleaner now and easier to navigate with variables! Everything else is largely the same though. I added some interactivity that happens when you hover your mouse over the canvas. Took me a bit to figure out the code for it. Its almost like solving a puzzle.
You can check out what I did with the code here.
This is my Interactive self-portrait based on Malibu Barbie. Here is the Code! : https://editor.p5js.org/johandra103/sketches/qrnin2429
Here’s my interactive self portrait based on Pinocchio, here’s the code: https://editor.p5js.org/owenroberts/sketches/Wpg-USYcK