I finalized the code today for the short story I made for the final. Give it a read. It’s a story about procrastination. Here is the code for it. Enjoy!
MMP 210: Multimedia Programming I
BMCC Spring 2023
I finalized the code today for the short story I made for the final. Give it a read. It’s a story about procrastination. Here is the code for it. Enjoy!
I made the slide for my final pitch. You can use the arrow keys and buttons on it to navigate it!
You can check out how I did it here.
Trying to figure out how to properly animate with code left me feeling a little incompetent. The “functions”, “if’s”, and “for” statements were so confusing to me. Even watching back the videos the professor recorded, could only help me understand the formula but nothing deeper. I wanted to animate by combining everything I learned up till now but it would seem I am missing something important to tie it all together. But I still had fun trying to put the pieces together. Here is what I was able to animate.
I wanted to try and make all of the emojis on the screen bounce around. But I couldn’t find a way to do it without making a huge wall of code. Although I’m sure there is a way to shorten it I just decided to compromise by coding just one emoji to move. Here is the code I used to make it work.
Made the meme of Ramone the Handsome interactive. Now when you click and hold, you look at him with rose-tinted glasses. What do you think? A big improvement if you didn’t already see him that way.
Here is the code that I used to make the meme.
I decided to make a meme for Assignment 5. I had to look for a long time for a good cat pic that wasn’t copyright claimed and I ended up finding this gem at the bottom of the search results. The code is simple like the meme but I think it works. What about you?
Here is the link to the code I used.
I updated the code for the image of the Isabelle recreation picture. It looks cleaner now and easier to navigate with variables! Everything else is largely the same though. I added some interactivity that happens when you hover your mouse over the canvas. Took me a bit to figure out the code for it. Its almost like solving a puzzle.
You can check out what I did with the code here.
For my self-portrait, I decided to recreate a photo I commonly use for my profile pictures online. It was tougher than I thought it would be at first, but once I got going it wasn’t so hard anymore. Here is a picture of the reference.
And her is my recreation of it. I think I did pretty well even though I wouldn’t consider myself an artist.
The code may be a little sloppy so forgive me for that. But here is a link to it if you would like to see how I did it.
Here is the code I used to create this image. The hardest part of the coding was figuring out the spacing of the quads and ellipses. However, once I got the first one down the rest were easy with math.