Final project proposal

For my final project, I will create a 2d game where the player controls a cat that eats birds flying in the sky.

I added a mouse obstacle that attacks the cat to create more balanced gameplay.

For the player sprite, I used these animations:

For the bird sprite, I create these animations:

For the background music I used the song

For the sound effects, I used:

Week 4 Scratch Progress

Here’s the new animation code I added.

I added a sprite animation for when the bird gets eaten.

Here’s the sound for when the bird spawns.

Player movement and sprite

This is the animation code for the player sprite.

This is the movement code for the player sprite.

This is the beginning of my bird sprite code.

Here’s the game with the player and the bird sprite.

Scratch progress week 2

My scratch interface with my first sprite

This is my first day programming with Scratch. I added in my player art that I made in Piskel and worked on adding movement to the player.

The scratch costume editor

I learned how to add multiple costumes to the player sprite.

The scratch game preview

This is the Scratch preview. Not much happening so far!