Scratch Week 5

I was able to add a backdrop to my game. Im still navigating how exactly it is I want my alien to interact with the trees I illustrated. Im deciding on if the alien is capturing the trees with his rope. The more trees he captures, the closer he is to winning.

Here is a preview of my game. I was able to add sound and get rid of the extra alien I had. I still have a lot of work to do to make the game efficient. Im really proud of what I have so far.

Scratch Week 4

This is my code for my tree, I cloned my tree to make the alien look like it was jumping rope down a road with trees.

This is the code for my alien. I realized I didn’t want a second alien, rather multiple trees. Im going to go back in and fix this.

This is what my animation looks like now. I don’t like it. I want to put a backdrop, add more trees, and delete the extra alien. I’d like to add sounds too, maybe of wind blowing, or something that sounds like rope hitting the ground.

Scratch Week 3

This is the movement and animation code for my new sprite

Here’s the game with the alien sprite jumping rope near a tree. The wind is blowing and the leaves are falling.

Scratch Progress Week2

This is my first time programming with Scratch. I created my art in Piskel and played around with the movements on Scratch. Im enjoying the program so far.

Im still getting the hang of the software, we learned how to create costumes in class today, I haven’t created one yet but will in the next class

This is a preview of my player. He is a baby alien that is jumping rope.