Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I designed a 2D robot vs bomb game in which you, as a robot, attack the bombs before they can explode. The goal is to attack as many bombs as you can to prevent more from coming.

Below are the player sprites, I used :

For the bomb sprite, I made these animations:

For the background music, I used this song:

The explosion sound effect:

Assignment 10

During this week I made my buttons functional and added my backgrounds. Also added a score and font to my game.

link to my code


This week, I went through several sounds and inputted background music, including an explosive sound when the robot attacks the bomb. Also, I added a collision between the bomb and the robot.

Here’s a link to my code

Assignment #8

During this week, I turned my Piskel sprites into gifs and added them to my p5 game, and added move and display functions to them. Also organized the code so it’s easier to understand.

Link to my code

Assignment 7

During this week I added x and y position variables. Also made it move left and right.

Link to my code

Final Scratch Project: Robot Vs Bombs

Link to my Scratch Project

In my first Scratch project, I made a game where the player controls a robot to avoid getting hit by the bombs falling. Once you get hit ten times, it’s game over, and you must try again. The most exciting part for me was making the backdrops because it tied the whole game together, which is what took me the longest to do. The hardest part about this project was the code since it messed with the entire game if you made one mistake.

Week 5 Scratch Blog

This week, I added more code to my robot and explosive, and then I worked on my final backdrop for the start page, instruction page, game page, and end page.

In this section is the full code for my robot.

The next section is the code to my explosive.

These are the four backdrops I made for my game.

Week 4 Scratch Blog

My progress for this week was adding new movement to my sprite and a one-color backdrop. Also, I added new animation and sound.

In this part, three new animations were added to my explosive.

Here’s the sound I chose. I went through several sounds to get the one I liked the most.

Here’s a short clip of my game. It still needs work, but it’s fine so far.