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Module 2: Digital Images

What We’ll Learn

How WE SEE LIGHT and how Cameras make images

We will learn the science behind how humans see light and how digital cameras use a similar process to create images.

Creating and editing images

We will look at the two main types of images (vector and raster), practice editing raster images with Photoshop and creating vector images with Illustrator. The main focus is on editing, not on taking pictures, but if there is interest we can give some class time to taking pictures.


  1. 9/14: Intro, Science of Light, How Humans See and Cameras work
  2. 9/19: Using Photoshop
  3. 9/21: Using Illustrator
  4. 9/26: Image Workshop 1
  5. 9/28: Image Workshop 2
  6. 10/3 Image Workshop 3

project and quiz

  1. 10/12: Image Project Due
  2. 10/26: Image Quiz (in class)

Setup and Materials


You will need to download and install Adobe Creative Suite on your computer. There is a Creative Cloud app that helps you manage all of the Adobe apps. Then install Photoshop and Illustrator.


You will need a computer that can run Adobe software. You will also need a device to take pictures. For most people you can just use your phone. If you want to use a camera, that’s great; just make sure you know how to save a file and get that file onto your computer.

Please let Prof Stein know if your computer can’t run Photoshop or Illustrator or you don’t have a way to take pictures.

Module Media Project

self portraits: Raster and vector versions


Raster Self portrait by Anna Pinkas

Take/find images of yourself or something that represents you, and combine them in Photoshop as a square image at least 1,024px by 1,014px. Make sure to not upsample (increase the size of) your images. Use tools we’ve covered in class (i.e: adjustment layers, filters, masks, crop tool etc.) to create your composition. You may only use images in the public domain or with a Creative Commons license 


Vector self portrait by Anna Pinkas

Make a square vector/Illustrator file that represents you using only geometrical shapes (the final image can be abstract or representational).


  • 4 images combined for Raster image. You can use more.
    • All images taken by you or have a Creative Commons license or are in the public domain
    • credits for all images used
  • Square aspect ratio (both images)
    • Raster 1024px/1024px: JPG file
    • Vector 500px/500px: PNG file
  • Both images represent you in some way that you can explain


Thursday, October 12

Turning it in

You will submit the following 5 files to Blackboard:

  1. The PSD (Photoshop) file
  2. The AI (Illustrator) file
  3. A version of the raster file for web (1024px * 1024px, 300PPI, JPG)
  4. A version of the vector file for web (500px * 500px, 300PPI, PNG)
    1. You can submit an SVG version (6th file) of the vector image as extra credit.
  5. A short statement about your project. Use this template.
    1. That includes Credits for all images you did not create  yourself (follow the format outlined on slide #17).

Grading rubric

The grading rubric takes into account the files used, format, the copyright of the content and the quality of the project. The rubric will be updated here after the module starts.

Tutorials and Resources


Image Lesson Slides

HOW Images Work


Creative Commons licensed and public domain images for your projects

For even more info view the Where to find Images post.


These aren’t required but help you get deeper into it if you have time and interest.


Digital Images Posts

Photoshop Compositing

double exposure man and coastline

Composite images are images you make by combining multiple images. There are many ways to combine images in Photoshop but we will focus on a few techniques and tools that will help you. Selection Layer Masks Blend Mode Hands-on Tutorials Photoshop has a number of built-in tutorials that help you learn how to do things.…

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Image Software Extras

Here are some tutorials that may help if you’re updating your image projects or using images in your final project. Illustrator: Adding Shadows and Shading There are a number of ways to add shadows and shading to give your images more feeling of depth or realism. Here are some tutorials to help with that. Coloring…

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