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Module 1: Digital Audio

What We’ll Learn

How Sound Works

We will learn the science behind sound and what it is, then see how humans hear sound. Finally we will learn the process and terms

Recording and Editing Sound

We will use Audacity to record and edit sound. We will also cover how to find sounds other people have make and include them (legally) in your work.


You will know about different audio file formats and be able to save your work in different formats on your computer and on the web.


  1. 8/31: Intro, Science of Sound and How Humans Experience Sound
  2. 9/5: How to Record and Edit Sound in Audacity
  3. 9/7: Audio Workshop 1
  4. 9/12: Audio Workshop 2

project and quiz

  1. 9/19: Audio Project Due
  2. Audio Quiz will be done in class, but retakes are allowed.

Setup and Materials


You will need to download and install Audacity on your computer. I also suggest that you follow the FFMPEG install instructions which will give you more export options. While you can do a lot with the basic Audacity, you can also optionally install additional effects/plugins that let you do even more.


You will need a device to record audio. For most people you can just use your phone. If you want to use another device with a microphone that’s great, just make sure you know how to save a file and get that file onto your computer.

Please let Prof Stein know if you don’t have access to a device to record digital audio.

Module Media Project


Create an audio portrait of a place. This project will have 2 parts, recording audio and editing audio. You will record sound, using your phone or other devices. In the editing process, you can combine the material the you have recorded with other audio files if they are Creative Commons licensed, in the public domain, or classmates’ recordings if they share them. The finished audio file should be at least one minute and no longer than three minutes, and should combine at least five different sounds. Try to tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The listener should be able to envision specific streets/environments/people etc. when hearing your piece.


Audio Project Guide

This guide has a complete description of what steps you need to take and the grading rubric.

Overall Description

Below is a shortened version of what is in the Project Guide above.

  • 5 audio files used . You can use more. You must record at least one of the files and you must use a sound someone else recorded as at least one of the files.
    • All files you used must have a Creative Commons license or are in the public domain
  • Length: 1 min to 3 mins
  • There is a story (beginning, middle and end)
  • People can envision the place(s) that your piece is about.


Tuesday, September 19

Turning it in

You will submit the following to Blackboard:

  1. A zipped folder with your Audacity project file and the audio files you used in the project. This should include the data file created by Audacity, which will be a folder that ends with _data.
    • If you can’t zip your project then you can submit individually. See the Project Guide
  2. A short statement. Use this template.
    1. This statement must include Credits for all audio files you did not record yourself.

Grading rubric

This is detailed in the Audio Project Guide File

Tutorials and Resources


Audio Lesson Google Slides

How Hearing Works


  • Sound 101 Podcast Episode – with Bill Nye


A NOTE on Recording. When recording people, record some silence at the beginning. Audacity has a feature that can analyze the room noise and then remove it from your recording. It needs some empty time when nobody is talking to do this. See the YouTube recording tutorial above for how to remove the room noise.

Also make sure the person is close to the mic (but not touching it). Remember that the further away they are, the quieter their sound is and the lower quality the recording is.

Creative Commons licensed sounds for your projects


These aren’t required but help you get deeper into it if you have time and interest.


Audio Posts