Week 16 – FINAL CLASS & Pizza Party!

Dear MMA 100 Students,

Tonight! Wednesday 12/18 starting at 5:30pm we will be having our final class meeting, this will include a final critique of our final project ( The Type Project).

We will also be having a pizza party! (I will take care of this).

Please do not miss the final class tonight on 12/18, it is important that you are there. We will be printing our final projects.

All of this semesters assignments have been added to the Class Website on the Assignments page here:   https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mma100_foundations_of_digital_graphic_design/assignments/

***All class projects and revisions will be due no later than 12/19 at 5pm!

(those who need extensions on projects should e-mail me and we can work out an arrangement)

Please contact me with any questions that you may have!

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