The NYC Transit Authority Graphics Standard Manual

Dear Students,

Please click the link below to explore a great piece of both NYC and Graphic Design History.

Behold,  The NYC Transit Authority Graphics Standard Manual

Designed by Massimo Vignelli and Bob Noorda, Unimark, 1970

I would love to both hear your reactions and feedback in class tonight 9/25 as well as in the comments section below! Each student will leave a series of comments (during our class session) if you are not in class you are required to participate this week from outside of class.

**after you “post” your comment I will have to manually approve it – you may not see it show up right away.

Some Questions to ponder and react to:

  1. What is your general feedback on the manual? Do you like it? Dislike it? Please Explain. Do you find it to be well designed, illustrated and clear in its application?

2. The manual was published in 1970. Does it still hold up for today’s world?

3. What is missing or should be added for today’s world of NYC Transit?

4. What additional questions are you left with?

18 thoughts on “The NYC Transit Authority Graphics Standard Manual”

  1. The manual was published in 1970. Does it still hold up for today’s world?
    I noticed that the manual still hold much of the instructions that are used today. For example, the signs that indicates direction, name of street written in and outside of station providing the information of which train are available at that station. The stops that each train has written inside on the train, and the letter and color to distinguish each train. etc. Which are very helpful and thought-out. Moreover, there have been changes since 1970. For example, the machines that indicates us the arrival of a certain train and what direction its coming or going, the maps, also, what to do for emergencies, post inside and out the train. That is something that we can see today. Overall, I think that it’s an impressive manual that has helped the transportation system to run the train and give directions/ instructions for us the people who use it to understand it better.

  2. I think that the NYC Transit Graphics Manual is simple, yet effective. The font is bold and very readable. All of the signs are clear and the colors work with very well with the font.

  3. I think the manual is very detailed but needs modern upgrades. The subway lettering is bold and necessary but looks old. Enhancements to the font could be an option to modernize the look. I was surprised at the number of additional subway lines that were running during the 70’s. Overall, a good manual that needs some upgrades to the initial publication.

  4. I think its cool to see the thoughtful design of all the various uses of the typeface in so many applications; like the use of it on pathways, staircase bars, and the post signs we see when standing to wait for the train, even seeing how they consider eye level and readability with the black and white contrast is very cool. Something i wish a new generation of this would be the inclusion and celebrations of more colors and a more diversity in the use of the typeface in more ways, like in new places and in new ways including more color and new areas of focus.

  5. The manual is simple, but it’s amazing to see that something so simplistic was used for such a great project that is so very important to New York City as a whole and a beyond! Very inspiring!

  6. Personality I believe this manual is AMAZING. For the time it was made I thing it was a really good job. I also think is well designed because it has from colors to letters, numbers, and even designs of train structures ( train windlass, stairs, signs, etc). I believe it is possible that in 2019 a new designer could do a better job, BUT I don’t think its necessary, I think it should stay like that just for the simple purpose of remembering history. What might be missing is some new colors due that back in 1970’s there weren’t colors we have now. Im wondering how much the designer got paid? How hard was for him this project? was he happy with the project or feeling other type of way ? Did he ever imagine this would be a great work that would made history ?

  7. Why such a long manual, some things were being repeated. Although some of the font were big enough, there were things that left me confused. The manual is clear for the eyes to see but not clear for our minds to understand.

  8. Although the Graphic Manual is very long the text is very simple and not complicated. I makes it seem like it’s super fancy that they have to explain every step for the font and how they use it. The font is used for the train lines to direct people which is very helpful but I don’t think anyone would read a manual to get around.

  9. I kind of understand the manual but its a lot to take in and I don’t know if my mind can store this much information. I feel like I can use this manual but I also feel like I could get lost with it.

  10. The Manuel for the NYC Transit was great and had many cool designs. The booked looked so old though I feel like that needs to upgrade but other I like how they showed other trains I never knew about such as the 8 train. Why did most of these trains don’t exist now ?

  11. 1. It is ok for me. I fell like it includes too many numbers and letters which took a lot space in the manual. I do not think one number or one letter needs to take whole page. It can be better by saving more space in the design area.
    2. Yes. People still using those letters and numbers. Sometimes, easy design can be clear and convenient for communication of people.
    3. I think stop’s sign should include all stops’ name. At least include last and next stops’. Some of them does not have it which makes people confuse.

    4. No.

  12. I enjoy the manual actually. I think that its well put together to give you a sense of the basics when it comes to letters, number and font creations along with the colors. Its very organized and eye catching

    I think that it does hold up for todays world because fonts, numbers, letters and manuals play a big part in everyday life. Most things around you include what the book showed and its interesting to see it broken down into a book like this

    there should be a wider range of colors and fonts added because theres millions of types out there. Also showing the use of mixed media would be cool

    what type of artist do you think would most benefit from this book or does it apply to all ?

  13. Informatively the manual does well at explaining how things are supposed to be designed, labeled, and shown. But the overall visual representation, particularly on the pages that are text heavy, are bland. As for the design of the MTA Logos themselves I think they mirror the manual in a way of being bland but in a way that is appropriate for it’s task. Today I think the manual looks outdated but still communicates it’s message. I think often about how non-wheelchair accessible most of the NYC Transit system is. I think that is something that the city should do more to help. There should be more elevators at more stations. As well as the fact that whenever the train operator talks over the speaker on the train, there doesn’t seem to be a single train with a working speaker, I don’t know why they even bother using them if they aren’t going to fix them.

  14. 1) The Manuel is sterile and cohesive. It give a clear outline and directions but is not very interesting to read.

    2) The imagery holds up and the color code holds up.

    3)There is a multitude of technology including aids for The visual impaired/ Hearing impaired/ mental handicapped that needs to be updated for the current day and age that is not represented and should desperately be updated.

    4) Would be nice to give current budget info to see where our money is going and what technology is being implemented , given current talks of fair hikes. I believe this info should be public domain.

  15. I like it a lot. I didn’t recognized there is different space among letters. Letter spacing pages are amazing. It is good to know the background of NYC transit. Simple style never gets old. Always to good to see simple, I think it is foundation of all. These are the one I see everyday, no necessary to
    add or remove anything.

  16. When looking at the manual you can see the artist touch for example letters, signs, and other things are super simplified. Even if the manual was made in 1970 it still very pervalent today with logos aiming to become more simplified by using basic shapes and things like that. Personally I like the way it looks is pleasing to the eye and easy to point out by using black backgrounds and white letters its makes things easy to read from far away since the white pops out.

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