Final Presentation

This is officially my final product for my walk cycle. I’m honestly really glad with how my final came out to be. Especially considering I worked on it through my phone! My fingers cramping up this entire month with line art, coloring, background outlines, and even more coloring! as well as with adding and timing the effects and audio bits, proved itself to be worth it in my opinion :).

Character into “After Effects”

At first, I was wondering what color scheme I should use for Kizmen’s new design, but considering the theme is abandoned civilization, I went with a more natural theme scheme. I think it worked out pretty well c:

After a while of being inactive with my walk cycle, I had realized that I was not satisfied with my original design and that it would not fit the concept design of the background. So this is Kizmen 2.0 🙂

Also! I know we had to work with after effects but since I had bad luck with adobe creative cloud, my final project and the work that leads up to it has been made with applications on my phone.

Storyboard Walk Cycle

From each artboard, my favorite would have to be the last one, mainly because I thought to myself that making Kizman’s head in a side profile would be difficult. Though I’d like to think it came out well.

In my storyboard, Kizman is seen walking down the city streets to conduct his daily patrol. Suddenly two civilians, who are part of the group of people who dislike his existence, pass by him. They proceed to curse him out before leaving him alone. At first, he seems to be unfazed. Until they are out of his sight. Kizman soon stops to collect his thought, dropping his composure, until a sudden cry for help is heard off-screen.

Character Design

Kizman is a robot that was originally designed to work alongside law enforcement. The first of his design, he was created based on the characteristics of wildlife itself. Having ears of a rabbit to help locate an issue no matter how far it was, having the legs of a kangaroo to help travel said distance, as well as having tendons based on ostriches– making them known to have incredible speed. Although he may seem intimidating, he is a kindhearted being with good communication skills to provide peace to those around him. Although he is often seen as a hero not everyone sees him the same way.

Flour Sack Assignment

One thing this assignment has taught me is that in order to have an animation go smoothly, one should study body language until it becomes memorized. That way, you have the overall idea as to how something should move and react in certain situations.

If this is what its like to make a simple flour bag animation, I dont think I’d like to work with stop motion animation any time soon~.