Yan Yang’s Profile
A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on […]
ART 251: Asian Art History SP2020 Yan Yang
5000 year of East Asian Art
Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2022
A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in the June 2022 Teaching on the OpenLab. (image credit: ”OPEN” by Tom Magliery is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
- CloneableCloneable
A place for BMCC faculty who are teaching (or considering teaching) on the OpenLab to connect and share ideas. Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
M&A Faculty and Staff for Distance Learning
This project is for planning and organizing of the Music and Art Department during the distance learning period. It is an internal community and has information and resources for the faculty and staff. Please […]
Art104: Art History Survey II Fall 2022 Yan Yang
This introduction to art history includes the study of painting, sculpture, architecture and other media by surveying the Renaissance period through the early 20th century using a global approach. The exploration […]
Art 104 | Survey of Art History II | Course Hub
Course Hub for Art 104 (Survey of Art History II)
- OEROpen Educational Resource
- Course HubCourse Hub
- OpenOpen
An online space for faculty who have participated in the BMCC Teaching Collaboratory (formerly the Teaching Academy).
Art104: Art History Survey II Spring 2020 Yan Yang
This introduction to art history includes the study of painting, sculpture, architecture and other media by surveying the Renaissance period through the early 20th century using a global approach. The exploration […]