Tennisha Phillip’s Profile

Active 6 months, 1 week ago
Tennisha Phillip
About Me
Hi, my name is Tennisha Phillip. I am currently working on obtaining my associate’s degree in preschool childhood education at Borough of Manhattan Community College. I currently work as a paraprofessional with the Department of Education for five years and counting. As a paraprofessional, I provide support and assistance to teachers in a preschool or early childhood education setting. My role involves working directly with young children, helping with their learning and development, and implementing educational activities. My education in preschool childhood education provides me with a solid foundation in understanding child development, curriculum planning, and effective teaching strategies for young learners. With my associate’s degree and experience as a paraprofessional, I am well-equipped to contribute to the growth and education of preschool-aged children.
Academic Interests
By pursuing further education, conducting research, or engaging in professional development opportunities in these areas, you can deepen your understanding and expertise in preschool childhood education, making a positive impact on the lives of young children and their educational journeys.
Teacher Education
Academic Program
Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S.


ECE 210 Social Foundations of Early Care and Education (Spring 2021)

ECE 210 Social Foundations of Early Care and Education (Spring 2021)

The EC field, particularly in the US, is one fraught with a history of inequity that can be addressed and dismantled with your awareness and actions. Over the course of the semester, we’ll explore the lives, contexts, and contributions of EC pioneers, and lessons that you can apply to your own growing identities as EC teachers. Over the course of this month, I want you to understand your role as advocates for children and families that don’t always have a seat at the table, regardless of where you sit.

ECE 110-Seminar | Section 113 Mon | Spring 2022| J. Longley

ECE 110-Seminar | Section 113 Mon | Spring 2022| J. Longley

Students complete the required 15 hours of fieldwork for ECE 110 by enrolling, attending and participating in this fieldwork seminar. The fieldwork seminar will meet two hours a week at our enrolled day/time/location for the first eight weeks of the semester. The ECE 110 fieldwork seminar is graded pass/fail based on attendance and participation in required class activities. Any student who fails the fieldwork seminar AUTOMATICALLY fails the entire ECE 110 course, regardless of your earned grade in the lecture portion of ECE 110. At the end of this seminar, your instructor will complete a pass/fail form. YOU are responsible for giving this form to your ECE 110 lecture instructor to ensure that your completion of the seminar portion of ECE 110 is recorded.


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