shipra Ghosh’s Profile

Active 2 years, 1 month ago
shipra Ghosh
shippra Ghoosh
Academic Program
Nursing, A.A.S.


ECE 110-111W Lecture | Fall 2022 | J. Longley

ECE 110-111W Lecture | Fall 2022 | J. Longley

This course examines the psychological and psychosocial foundations of early childhood and relates these foundations to educational practice with young children, birth to eight years. It focuses on historical and contemporary theories of childhood development. Early learning is considered in relation to biological factors, child and family factors, program factors and social factors, particularly in diverse urban settings. Young children’s physical, cognitive, communicative, social and emotional development is explored as contributors to and as consequences of early learning experiences. This course requires 15 hours of fieldwork.

ECE 110-Seminar | Fall 2022 | J. Longley

ECE 110-Seminar | Fall 2022 | J. Longley

Students complete the required 15 hours of fieldwork for ECE 110 by enrolling, attending and participating in this fieldwork seminar. The fieldwork seminar will meet two hours a week at our enrolled day/time/location for the first eight weeks of the semester. The ECE 110 fieldwork seminar is graded pass/fail based on attendance and participation in required class activities. Any student who fails the fieldwork seminar AUTOMATICALLY fails the entire ECE 110 course, regardless of your earned grade in the lecture portion of ECE 110. At the end of this seminar, your instructor will complete a pass/fail form. YOU are responsible for giving this form to your ECE 110 lecture instructor to ensure that your completion of the seminar portion of ECE 110 is recorded.


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