RaShelle R. Peck’s Profile

Active 3 days, 3 hours ago
RaShelle R. Peck
Ethnic and Race Studies
Academic Program
Ethnic Studies, A.A.


None found.


Black Studies Across the Americas (BSAA)

Black Studies Across the Americas (BSAA)

This project is supported with U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center funding from the Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies as well as the the BMCC Dept. of Ethnic and Race Studies and the President’s Fund for Innovation and Excellence, funded by McKenzie Scott. BSAA faculty and student researchers create OERs to help integrate Black studies into disciplines that historically don’t address Blackness and questions of race and ethnicity. BSAA OERs are hosted here on the BMCC OpenLab to foster further collaboration and use of the OERs at BMCC and beyond.

DERS Curriculum Committee

DERS Curriculum Committee

OpenLab page for DERS Curriculum Committee.


Pride Month Virtual Open Mic

Pride Month Virtual Open Mic

Submit your art, writing and reflections to BMCC’s Virtual Pride Month!

Reenvisioning Scholarship

Reenvisioning Scholarship

Reenvisioning Scholarship is a conversation about what we as faculty believe should be considered scholarship, including what counts in tenure and promotion. (image credit: “Boyer’s Scholarship of Engagement” by Giulia Forsythe is licensed under CC BY 2.0)

RaShelle's Friends

RaShelle hasn't created any friend connections yet.