Natalie Gomez’s Profile

Active 3 years, 5 months ago
Natalie Gomez


ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1605 | Fall 2020

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1605 | Fall 2020

This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in other areas. Topics include: national income and national product; saving, consumption, investment, the multiplier theory, fiscal policy, inflation, employment and business cycles. The student will also be acquainted with money, banking, and central bank monetary policies, as well as some of the more significant theories of international trade and economic development.

ACR 150/ Literacy in American Society/ Prof. Barnes/ Fall 2021

ACR 150/ Literacy in American Society/ Prof. Barnes/ Fall 2021

What is your definition of literacy? Literacy in American Society asks students to investigate the varieties of literacy behaviors in American society as sociocultural phenomena. Students will be exposed to the research of major scholars in the interdisciplinary field of literacy research (e.g., New Literacy Studies) as a means of considering the role literacy and literacy behavior plays, both historically and in a contemporary context, in a diverse American society. Students will analyze the various definitions of literacy and track the development of multiple literacies in American society, specifically studying the transmission of literacy as a cultural value, particularly in oppressed communities. The course will provide the students with the opportunity to analyze and reflect on their personal relationship with literacy and opportunities for upward mobility in a stratified United States.


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