Naseer Alomari’s Profile

Active 6 months, 1 week ago
Naseer Alomari
About Me
Teaching is my passion, and I am dedicated to making a difference in my students’ lives. As an Assistant Professor of Speech at BMCC, I bring two decades of experience in language education and digital learning to the classroom. My journey, with a Ph.D. in Language Education from Fordham University, has led me to inspiring roles at various institutions. I strive to create engaging and supportive learning environments, drawing from my research in technology-enhanced language learning. I am also a published author and a regular speaker at conferences. Through all my experiences, my commitment to empowering students for success remains unwavering.
Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts


Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Professor Alomari Speech 102 course

Professor Alomari Speech 102 course

This course is recommended for those whose native language is not English. It addresses fundamentals of speech communication, as does SPE 100, but provides special emphasis in vocabulary building, pronunciation, and enunciation. Classwork is implemented through the use of recordings, individual and group drills, interpersonal exercises, oral readings, and impromptu and prepared group discussions and speeches. Weekly speech tutoring is required. This course satisfies the equivalent for, and may be taken instead of, SPE 100. Credit is given for SPE 102 or SPE 100, but not for both classes.


Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2022

Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2022

A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in the June 2022 Teaching on the OpenLab. (image credit: “OPEN” by Tom Magliery is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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