Michelle McClean’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 month ago
Michelle McClean
About Me
I have a passion for political science and law. I enjoyed the introduction to criminal justice course i took last semester so i am very enthusiastic to continue learning about the criminal justice subject in this course.


CRJ  102 – 123W | Criminology | Professor Satenik Margaryan | Fall 2021

CRJ 102 – 123W | Criminology | Professor Satenik Margaryan | Fall 2021

This is an introductory and foundational course in the study of crime and justice. It is designed to introduce students to the various historical and contemporary theories and empirical research used to understand deviant and criminal behavior. This course takes a critical approach to the study of the definition and measurement of crime, as well as applications of these theories to practice and in policy. Offending and victimization, as these relate to specific crime types (i.e., white collar crime, violent crime, sex crime, drug related crimes, etc.) will be explored.


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