Marvin Monegro’s Profile

Active 2 years, 7 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4 total)

MMP 270: Introduction to Video Game Design Fall 2021

Owen Roberts
Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|MMP270|Fall 2021

Nintendo gamepad drawing by Owen Roberts

ANI 260 1300 Intro 2D Animation Spring 2021

Jody Culkin
Animation and Motion Graphics, A.S.|Multimedia Programming and Design, A.S.|Video Arts and Technology, A.S.|ANI 260|Spring 2021

Students will learn to design and create motion graphics for multimedia, building projects appropriate both for Internet applications and for film and video. Students will learn how to use Animate, a vector-based […]

English 201 | Intro to Literature | Spring 2021 | Celeste Conway

Celeste Conway
Writing and Literature, A.A.|ENG 201|Spring 2021

Introduction to Literature

Marvin Monegro’s Portfolio

Hello! Welcome to my portfolio.