Katherine Naula’s Profile

ECO 201 | Macroeconomics | Al Eisenbarth | Section 1201 | Fall 2020
This course is intended primarily for those students who intend to pursue professional careers in fields such as economics, finance, management, and administration. It is also open to highly motivated students in other areas. Topics include: national income and national product; saving, consumption, investment, the multiplier theory, fiscal policy, inflation, employment and business cycles. The student will also be acquainted with money, banking, and central bank monetary policies, as well as some of the more significant theories of international trade and economic development.
This course takes a critical approach to the study of crime and justice in urban settings. Course materials examine contemporary crime-related issues that affect urban communities within a historical and sociological context. The course highlights the intersections of deviant behavior and the criminal justice system within the structures of class, race, gender, and power inequalities. Topics explored may include racial profiling, juvenile delinquency, media representations of crime, policing, the war on drugs, and prisoner re-entry. At BMCC, students must have completed both the CRJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice course, as well as CRJ 102: Criminology as pre-requisites to enroll in CRJ 204.
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