GWS 100-1300 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser
This Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies course is a fully online course taught during the fall 2022 semester by Dr. Hollis Glaser. Dr. Brianne Waychoff created this course and I am teaching it in her honor and memory.
ECE 411 Early Childhood Practicum II – Fall 2023
This course is designed to develop practical and evidence-based knowledge for teaching literacy and enable students to demonstrate competencies teaching young children. It requires supervised participation in an assigned early childhood education setting and attendance at a weekly seminar. Students will explore principles, methods, and materials for teaching emergent literacy within a developmentally appropriate, interdisciplinary and culturally responsive curriculum. Current research regarding speaking, listening, reading and writing experiences of young children will be critically examined. Practical classroom experiences will provide opportunities for students to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behavior working with young children and their families, and build a comprehensive understanding of balanced literacy in early childhood classrooms. Students will design, implement and evaluate activity-based literacy learning experiences for young children with diverse learning styles and needs, with strong emphasis on child centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, and knowledge of curriculum content areas.
GWS 100-1100 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser
This Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies course is a fully online course taught during the Spring 2023 semester by Dr. Hollis Glaser. Dr. Brianne Waychoff created this course and I am teaching it in her honor and memory.
ECE 211 Curriculum for Young Children 1 – Fall 2022
This course is an introduction to the theories, methods and materials of curriculum planning in early childhood education (Preschool – Grade 2), with an emphasis on providing developmentally and culturally appropriate learning environments and experiences that encourage creativity in young children. The following topics are explored in depth: the intellectual and emotional importance of fostering creativity, the role of play in learning, the design of effective arts-based learning environments; the role of visual arts, music, movement and language arts/emergent literacy in developing children?s cognitive, social-emotional, physical, language and self-help skills. Course work includes workshops in planning and implementing creative arts experiences for young children.
ECE 110 Seminar |Section 110 Fri| Spring 2022| J. Longley
Students complete the required 15 hours of fieldwork for ECE 110 by enrolling, attending and participating in this fieldwork seminar. The fieldwork seminar will meet two hours a week at our enrolled day/time/location for the first eight weeks of the semester. The ECE 110 fieldwork seminar is graded pass/fail based on attendance and participation in required class activities. Any student who fails the fieldwork seminar AUTOMATICALLY fails the entire ECE 110 course, regardless of your earned grade in the lecture portion of ECE 110. At the end of this seminar, your instructor will complete a pass/fail form. YOU are responsible for giving this form to your ECE 110 lecture instructor to ensure that your completion of the seminar portion of ECE 110 is recorded.
Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Kappa Chapter
Alpha Kappa Chapter at BMCC
The lack of culturally responsive practices in early childhood
This is a sample profile and website for the ECE 210 Website or Podcast Advocacy Project.