Eunice Moronta’s Profile

Active 3 years, 9 months ago
Eunice Moronta
About Me
My name is Eunice Moronta. I was born and raised in New York City in the Lower East Side. Although I was born and raised in the United States, my parents are from the Dominican Republic. Therefore, I also speak spanish. My father married my mother in Dominican Republic and came to the United States to get situated before bringing her to live here along with him. Within a year, my parents created their first baby. My brother, then came my oldest sister 2 years later, after 7 years later came me and lastly 2 years later came my youngest sister. Yup! that’s right I am a sibling of 4. The two youngest have children now. As mentioned earlier, I have one and my younger sister has 2 girls and one boy. the youngest baby in our family is 7 months. My family is my world and my motivation. They are the main reason I have decided to go to college and become successful. I want to make sure that we are set for life. I would be the first person in my family to earn a degree. They have been so happy for me and the fact that this time I pushing myself past the wall to achieve my milestone. There is no excuse for me. My son and I are both remote learning so this has been very difficult. I am his teacher at home so imagine having to commit my assignments and making sure he is up to date as well? It’s very tough but I am doing it. If I can do it, you can too!!
Academic Interests
Currently the only academic interest that i am involved in is… -Early Childhood Education


ECE 209-091 Seminar – Infant Development – Fall 2020 – J. Longley

ECE 209-091 Seminar – Infant Development – Fall 2020 – J. Longley

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

ECE 209-091W Lecture – Infant Care  & Curriculum  – Fall 2020 – J. Longley

ECE 209-091W Lecture – Infant Care & Curriculum – Fall 2020 – J. Longley

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.


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