Emily Thomason’s Profile

English 201: Introduction to Literature Fall 2020 [Conway]
Introduction to Literature
HED 110 | Comprehensive Health Education | Fall 2020 | Shneyderman
This site is designed to provide content for HED 110 Comprehensive Health Education at Borough of Manhattan Community College, created and taught by Yuliya Shneyderman, Ph.D. This course uses Open Educational Resources and is designated as ZTC or Zero Textbook Cost. Most sources are government or non-commercial sites. There are also BMCC library resources provided. The readings here may be posted in the form of movies, podcasts, websites, or documents and PowerPoint presentations. You can use this site from a computer or your mobile device. This site is for HED 110-0505, and HED 110-1001 which are offered in Fall 2020. For individual due dates, please check your Blackboard hub.
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