Ashanna Persaud’s Profile

Active 2 years, 11 months ago
Ashanna Persaud
Academic Program
Science, A.S.


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Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship

Updates on faculty and student scholarships


Assessing the Application of Pseudovirus in the Laboratory

Assessing the Application of Pseudovirus in the Laboratory

Emerging pathogens are a public health priority that require the use of biosafety containment laboratory levels, 3 or 4. Pseudoviruses are a solution to this limitation and allow scientists to work with them in a biosafety laboratory level 2. In this project, we explore the applications of pseudoviruses in the laboratory.

Assessing the Application of Pseudovirus in the Laboratory

Assessing the Application of Pseudovirus in the Laboratory

Emerging pathogens are a public health priority that require the use of biosafety containment laboratory levels, 3 or 4. Pseudoviruses are a solution to this limitation and allow scientists to work with them in a biosafety laboratory level 2. In this project, we explore the applications of pseudoviruses in the laboratory.

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