Ally Ortiz’s Profile

Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago


EDU 203 Art in Education

EDU 203 Art in Education

This class is an introduction to art principles, practices and materials that are appropriate for integrating creative arts–visual arts and performing arts–into the elementary school curriculum. Through reading, writing, and hands-on projects, teacher education students will experience and discover the intellectual and emotional joy of creativity and develop effective strategies for integrating the creative arts within a 1-6 grade curriculum to students with diverse cultural backgrounds.

MMP260-1300, Introduction to 2D Animation, Spring 2020

MMP260-1300, Introduction to 2D Animation, Spring 2020

Students will learn to design and create motion graphics for multimedia, building projects appropriate both for Internet applications and for film and video. Students will learn to how to use Animate, a vector-based animation program, and After Effects, an animation and visual effects compositing program to create narratives through the use of storyboards.


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Ball Bouncing Off A Cliff

Ball Bouncing Off A Cliff

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