CUNY Asian American Film Festival

The Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI), of the City University of New York has opened up student submissions for the 19th Annual CUNY Asian American Film Festival (AAFF).  Past participants have also had their films screened at the Asian American International Film Festival.

Since 2004, the CUNY Asian American Film Festival (AAFF) has recognized and awarded over $13,800 in cash prizes to student filmmakers. Winner ($200) and runner-up ($100) prizes will be awarded for each of the following categories: Fiction | Documentary. All winners and runner-ups will remain anonymous until after a screening of selected films that have been reviewed by the distinguished panel of judges. Following the screening there will be an award ceremony and Q&A session with the filmmakers.

The tentative date for the festival itself is June 3, 2022.

How to Submit

Complete the Application Form and email it to the address listed in the form.


This is an shortened list. For the full list please see the submission form.

  • Film must be 5min–30min (front or end credits must be included)
  • Fiction or Documentary Films
  • 30 second trailer
  • Both the film and the trailer but have download links (your CUNY-provided Dropbox or OneDrive account will have enough space).
  • Film and trailer file format: .mp4, H.264 codec, 256kbps AAC, and either 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio
  • You must be a current or recently graduated CUNY student.


Friday, May 6, 2022

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