Take Home Assignment

Here’s a description of the take home assignment, redesigned for our current circumstances.

Visit one of the websites of the museums listed below that has a design collection. Pick an object from the design collection. It can be an object that you love or hate.

Museum of Modern Art. https://www.moma.org/

Museum of Arts and Design  https://madmuseum.org/

Cooper Hewitt Museum https://www.cooperhewitt.org/

National Museum of African American History and Culture  https://www.si.edu/museums/african-american-museum

National Air and Space Museum. https://www.si.edu/museums/air-and-space-museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection

  • Download the photo of the object. If there is more than one photo, download them all.
  • Answer the following questions in a post on OpenLab. The post should include the photo or photos you downloaded and a sketch of your revision (see the last question).

What is the name of the object?

Describe what the object looks like.

Who designed it? Is it one of a kind or a limited edition?  Is the manufacturer listed?

What is this object supposed to do?

Is the function of the object clear from how it looks?

Do you think this object functions successfully at what it is supposed to do? Why do you think that?

Think of how you would make a revised version of this object and describe it here. Do this even if you think it is perfect as it is. Do a simple sketch or diagram of the revised version, scan it with a scanning app on your phone (Evernote scannable is free and cross platform) and insert it in the post on OpenLab.