A few helpful links from class on April 30

Here’s a few links we looked at in class on April 30.

Meet the Motor on Vimeo. A short video that explains some basics about different kinds of DC motors.

Adafruit. DIY Electronics store with many, many great tutorials and blog posts about everything maker.

 SparkFun.More DIY electronics with many tutorials

Servo City. All kinds of motors.

Make Community


Class March 24th

Hi everyone.

Today in class we will be doing a Zoom session, I will put the invitation on Blackboard.

We will work in Fritzing first, then move back to Tinkercad.

I have made some simple video tutorials on both of these platforms on YouTube.

Fritzing Intro

Tinkercad Intro

I will be asking you to upload a screenshot of the first Fritzing circuit you build in class today.

On Thursday, I will be asking you to upload a Tinkercad model. This is not the final version of your character, just a progress check.

Remember, the From Silhouette to Cardboard blog post on OpenLab assignment is due today.

On Thursday, we will continue to work in Tinkercad. After meeting initially, I will make appointments to touch base with each of your individually.


From Professor Culkin March 18th

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow will be our first day of meeting virtually. I plan to start with Blackboard Collaborate video conferencing at 2PM, our normal class meeting time. This means you have to be logged into Blackboard. After briefly checking in with all of you, we will move to a Zoom meeting. You don’t need a Zoom account to join the meeting, but I advise you to set one up. If you have an account, you can set up meetings with me one on one, or with Kar for example. Here’s a link to a video that explains it.

Kar and I have met in person and have also discussed through email etc. how we will run the rest of the course. As of now, it looks like meeting at all on campus will not be allowed.

I have been communicating with the class via Blackboard Announcements sent as emails to you. (I guess I default to the system I am used to.) I will be updating, and using, both sites as we move forward. Obviously, we have to change the assignments. We will talk about how we are going to do that tomorrow and going forward.

As I’ve said before email me if you have any concerns. You can email me through this site or through Blackboard. Please let me know your concerns right away.

If you didn’t fill out the survey I sent out, do it now. There is a question about coming to the labs or Makerspace in person, that is no longer relevant.

After checking in with everyone tomorrow, we will move on to using Tinkercad.  The main purpose of tomorrow’s meeting however is to check in with everyone and make sure you are clear on how we will be moving ahead.

Week Seven

This week we will work on the cardboard laser cut versions of your character in class. Make sure you document your work well. There’s a slot on Blackboard for the photos, take them from many angles. Those photos are due on Thursday March 12.

A post on OpenLab about your project is due March 17.

We will also build an analog circuit with the Arduino, using a potentiometer. Read about analog circuits and the Arduino here.

And start thinking about what you might like to do for your final project.


Week Five

This week we will finalize the paper prototypes of your character. Make sure you document them well with photographs, and that you have documented all stages of development. After you create a cardboard version of your character, you will make a post on OpenLab with documentation of the paper and cardboard character.

We will learn how to prepare files for the laser cutter this week.

We will also start working with the Arduino microcontroller, learning how to build a circuit and light an LED.

Make sure you hand in your assignments to Blackboard.

Week Four

This week we will continue to work on the 3D paper prototypes of your character. This will be the first part of the from silhouette to cardboard model assignment.

Make sure you hand in the first draft of the illustrator file and dxf to Blackboard. Document the completed version with photographs, take many shots.

Check to see if you have handed in all of your assignments on Blackboard, that you have joined OpenLab and the course and created a portfolio in OpenLab. So far I have asked that you create one post on OpenLab, that should have a photo of the silhouette as well as of your sketches and a description of your character including what inspired you.

For next week, please read these links:

Introduction to physical computing

Using a microcontroller

5 things to think about before you start laser cutting

Using the laser cutter

Laser cutting cardboard