BiB//D:_R PPoC 3D Devlog 2

Play/Read the prequels here:

BiB//D:_R Web-Project

BiB//D:_R PPoC 2D


Increased camera FOV and did some more block out on the cave system so that I could get a head start on external assets. Modeled a mannequin placeholder for Stag -Nozomi Ringo’s wendigo ally- as well as a small campfire prop to test the environmental lighting with ambient occlusion, global illumination, and volumetric fog enabled. Already looking ahead on what I might plan to do in regards to modifying scripts and enabling more dynamic camera motion and overlays, but we’ll get to that later. After I block out more of the cave system itself I’ll also start sculpting the actual environment meshes, but right now I have sleep for like 3 hours and go to physics class. o7

Cave Environment Blockout


Mannequin Base Mesh for Stag

Campfire Base Mesh

BiB//D:_R PPoC 3D First Devlog

Level block out started, planning for a direct followup to BiB//D:_R PPoC 2D that you can check out here for context on Nozomi Ringo and the cast of Diaries:_Reminiscence. Game and itch page also include links to the first web-comic prequel for even further context.

First Dev Blog

I created a scene with a couple of obstacles and ambient shapes, although not all the collision boxes have the same shape as the mesh, they are all aligned.

Hope to learn interaction functions to make the environment make sense for the player

Dev Log 1!

You already know what time it is, considering it’s in the title. It’s Dev log time! Both a lot, and almost absolutely nothing, really happened this week. We’ve got some baseline models down and a small playable area, as seen below

I also learned it is very much possible to fall off of the map you make, and there aren’t any dev barriers that teleport you back to the top. I can’t believe I have to make those myself, what kind of lazy dev doesn’t have them?? (me.)

That’s all of it for the dev log today though, check back next week for…..something new I guess?

Level one

I created a little tree with a bush and some “flowers”
