Lecture: Augmented Reality (Video)
Lecture: Interactive Storytelling (Video)
Setting up the augmented reality project is a bit more complex than the 3D game. There are two template projects that need to be forked, on using the web IDE Replit and the other is another Godot scene.
First, fork the AR Scene Template from GitHub. This is a template file for starting a Godot scene to be exported and added to the augmented reality scene.
Marker based AR
Next, join Replit (you can use your GitHub account to authenticate) and then fork the AR Marker Template.
In class we will go over the workflow for exporting a scene from Godot as a .glb file and uploading to Replit to use with the marker based augmented reality scene.
Get marker images from the artoolkit5.
Natural feature tracking
Fork the AR_NFT_Template.
- Marker Creator ~ Use this website to create a tracker from an image. Remember to open the console to see if its working because there’s no progress bar. It may crash your browser! Just refresh and try again.
- Creating good markers
Surface detection
Fork the AR_ModelViewer_Template.
- ModelViewer API Reference ~ This has all the attributes and code that can be used with the ModelViewer.
- ModelViewer Examples ~ Examples of everything you can add in the ModelViewer.
- ModelViewer Editor ~ Drag and drop your .glb file and set up the scene and download the resulting code.