3D Games

In this unit will design a 3D game using the Godot game engine.

Start by forking the starter project. If you don’t have one already, you will need to create a GitHub account first. Then use GitHub Desktop to clone your copy of the project on your computer.

You may want to change the Local Path, the default is going to be something like /User/username/Documents/Github/3D_Game_Template. I recommend creating an MEA-300 folder on your Desktop so it’s easy to organize your projects. You can change the Local Path to /User/username/Desktop/MEA-300/3D_Game_Template.

Once you have the project open in Godot, create a new scene, add the default Player, and begin designing. I will update this page with videos from class with more instructions.

Demo: GitHub and Godot Setup

Demo: Godot Interface (Part 1) 

Demo: Godot Interface (Part 2)

Demo: Godot Scenes and Primitives

Demo: Godot Export Variables

Demo: Weekly Dev Log Posting on Open Lab

Lecture: History of 3D Graphics in Games ~ Video

Demo: Exporting and Publishing

Lecture: Level Design ~ Video

Demo: Using External Files

Demo: Level Portals

Demo: User Interface and Collecting Items