Group Project Task

You will be grouped based on the topic of interest. No more than four students will be assigned to one group. You must select another choice if the number in the group has reached 4.
The topics to choose from are:
1-Finances, The Power of Compounding, Saving
Plans and Investments.
2-Loan Payments, Credit Cards, and Mortgages,
Income Taxes
3-Understanding the Federal Budget
4-Statistical Tables and Graphs, Graphics in the
5-Voting, Theory of Voting, Apportionment
6- Mathematics and the Arts, Music, Perspective
and Symmetry, the Golden Ratio
7- Uses and Abuses of Percentages, Putting
8-Fundamentals of Probability, Combining

1) Project Task

Title of the Project:

Using Quantitative Reasoning Approaches for solving real life problems.

Goal: Connecting the real-life applications with the topics and concepts learned in class. More specifically Applications of Quantitative Reasoning Course to solve real-life problems (Especially those that are related to concepts listed here:

1-Finances, The Power of Compounding, Saving
Plans and Investments.
2-Loan Payments, Credit Cards, and Mortgages,
Income Taxes
3-Understanding the Federal Budget
4-Statistical Tables and Graphs, Graphics in the
5-Voting, Theory of Voting, Apportionment
6- Mathematics and the Arts, Music, Perspective
and Symmetry, the Golden Ratio
7- Uses and Abuses of Percentages, Putting
8-Fundamentals of Probability, Combining

Description: Based on the examples given in the pdf file in OpenLab with title and the video look for your own Real-Life application:

a) Wall Street Journal and Bussiness &Finance Site

b) Watch the video with link as an example of real life applications:

c) Do your own online research.

You are expected to:

  • Pick your own Real-Life application related to your group and topic selected.
  • Describe the application and the use of formulas, theory, and procedures in that application.
  • Research and do your project by solving one problem or answering at least one question that is related to the application of the topic selected.
  • Prepare your project in PowerPoint and be ready to present it to class on the last 4 sessions related to the selected unit which will be announced in specifics later. (Two weeks from today you should be ready).
  • You can work in groups of no more than four and no less than two.
  • You can also prepare your presentation as a video and upload it here to share it with the whole class.    Be prepared to answer any questions that your classmates may have related to your presentation.         

The PowerPoint or Video should include: At least:

  1. Five slides of PowerPoint or pages.
  2.  One picture or short gif of the application,
  3.  The theory of the application (interpretation).
  4. The goal for choosing it as an application over infinitely many applications out there.
  5.  The question or the problem that you want to solve.
  6.  The tools that you are using to achieve that goal. (for measuring, observing, etc).
  7.  Show a clear procedure of your researching and solving the problem
  8.  Upload your application on the OpenLab class site to share with others.
  9. Present to the class in a clear manner and be ready to answer any questions.

Note: Look at the Rubric to see what you are expected to do.


Exemplary (20 points)Satisfactory (10 point)Unsatisfactory (0-9 points)
Content (the mathematics content itself)The mathematical content is fully and substantially addressed. It is fully correct.  The mathematical content is satisfactorily addressed. It is mostly correct.The mathematical content is not addressed to satisfaction. It is not correct.
Writing quality and mathematical explanationProject is very well written and the math is well explained with no mistakes.  Project is well written with limited mistakes. The math is somewhat well explained.  Project is not well written and contains substantial mistakes. The math is not well explained.  
Solutions stepsSolutions steps are explained in sufficient detail for another student to follow the steps. Solutions steps are somewhat explained in detail with possible missing steps.Solutions steps are not explained in detail and many steps are missing.
Length and substanceThe project substantively addresses all three of the mathematical concepts.The project mostly addresses all three of the mathematical concepts.The project does not substantively addresses all three of the mathematical concepts.
Clarity and organizationThe project is very clear, organized, and easy to follow.  The project is somewhat clear, somewhat organized, and somewhat easy to follow.The project is not clear, not organized, and not easy to follow.

Dedactive reasoning khan academy videos:

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