- Would you categorize the way the Jones family lives as personal selling? Why or Why not?
The answer is no because the Jones family actually is acting as an icon family, the success of their sales is all because they succeeded to pretend a family full of happiness and to be light of heart. I think that should be categorized as team selling.
- what similarities do you see between the sales tactics the Jones family employs and the marketing tactics of some of your favorite brands? Give an example.
One of my favorite brands is Apple. I also find that a similarity between the Jones family and Apple is both of them want to change people’s lifestyles. The Jones family pretend to be a family which to be admired by others so that other people want to be part of them. And Apple creates an Apple ecosystem which among laptops, earphones, watch, phones, and so on to change people’s routines.
- Based on what you read in the course materials and what you observed in this movie, do you think the way products are marketed in this movie is ethical?
I think the way products are marketed in this movie is unethical, because this kind of marketing is processed under the situation that consumers who don’t know they are being marketed products. Consumers passively accept their sales pitches. Consumers should have the right to choose whether to accept sales pitches or not.
- How would you feel if you were friends with someone in the Jones family before you found out their secret? What about afterward?
I would think the way they treat me is incomprehensible and ridiculous. But afterward, I will think their approach is understandable for me because everyone has their own ways to work and survive if they don’t hurt other people.
Author Archives: Jipeng Wu
Jipeng Wu
Apple’s environmental protection plans
The environmental plans of Apple
1. Apple uses new energy to accomplish its global business.
Apple’s data center uses 100% of its electricity and 96% of the electricity of apple’s global facilities around the whole world is from solar hydro and wind power. Every message that Apple users send and every question that Apple users ask Siri is powered by renewable energy.
2. Reducing the global environmental impact of plastic waste Apple’s products use recycled aluminum.
According to the research, plastics and polystyrene account for 90 percent of marine floating waste, which is devouring the oceans on which humans and other living things depend. Therefore, in order to reduce the production of plastic and polystyrene, Apple has achieved its goal of fully using renewable or recyclable materials for its products and packaging, such as all MacBook Air and Mac mini housing materials that are recyclable aluminum and all retail packaging materials that are wood fibers. So, now for some Apple products, the carbon footprint of the fuselage has been reduced to less than one-sixth of what it was.
3. Apple set out to build a circular supply chain
Apple’s goal is to create a circular supply chain that uses only renewable resources or recycled materials to make products. Hence, Apple is encouraging more users to recycle their old devices through the Apple Renew program.
4. Apple has worked on product packaging
Apple has nurtured enough sustainable forests to meet their paper needs for product packaging, which currently comes from more than 99 percent of their packaging paper.
As Apple said before, they really devote themselves to making efforts for the environment. They’ve changed the way of producing products. They make difference in product packaging. And they also create a new product supply chain. I believe that more and more companies will make a change under Apple’s effect for protecting our environment.
1. For the first example, what were the main reasons that the firm reversed their decision and returned to their initial channel mix?
I think the main reason is although they increased the sales, their overall profit no real change. Meanwhile, because they change the strategy that they sold their jeans to discount stores for expanding sales, they started to worry about brand image.
2. Do you agree with their decision?
I agree with their decision because the change of strategy may impact their brand integrity, and the change of strategy brings nothing to their overall profit. So, the change of strategy only has a bad impact on their brand.
3. In the second example, do you agree with their choice of channel for their new watches? Why?
I agree with their choice of channel for their new watches. The reason is the new channel not only lets Swiss watch catch up with the trend of the times but also increased channels for their sales. Otherwise, as the result of the new channel Being an independent brand, even if it sells at a cheaper price will not affect the brand image.
4. Do you think that most of their existing jewelry stores will be willing to stick and sell these new watches?
I really don’t think they will. If the watch is sold with jewelry at a cheaper price, the consumers always will choose the lower-priced goods. This strategy not only decreases the sales of jewelry but also humiliates the jewelry brand image.
5. What other channels (retailers) should they also consider?
Some electronic sales platforms, such as Amazon, or any other online watch sales platform.
Product Concepts
After watching the show, the product that attracts me most is Flasky Flowers. This product is creative, amazing, and amusing. The flower is an essential item at the wedding. The bride and groom need flowers, the guests need flowers, and the flower children need flowers. Meanwhile, since the wedding is a grand social occasion, sometimes people who hold drinks all the time will look less elegant. So, the flasky flower solves this problem perfectly. Flasky Flowers not only make people look more elegant but also solve the need for drinking.
What gap does this product fill? It can make people look more elegant and drink beverages easier at the wedding.
What process does this product make easier? People who want to drink but don’t want to be disrespectful to others.
Why should consumers not only want this product but feel that they NEED it? Because everybody wants to be more elegant at the wedding.
his product has a clear positioning, that is the wedding parties. And the target audience is the organizers of the wedding or the ladies who attended the wedding.
Consumer Decision Making
As I am new to Salt Lake City, Utah, and rarely eat Italian food, so I have to turn to the internet for help. Meanwhile, I don’t really like going out, for this reason, the restaurant should offer delivery.
First of all, I will start by searching for the best Italian restaurants in Salk Lake City Utah on google. I click those restaurants that google shows on me one by one to check the food picture which is the client post into google. Then, when I found which one I like, the next step is checking their reviews and ratings of the restaurant. Personally, I prefer some restaurants which rating is higher than 4.5. If the ratings are not up to my standard, it may affect my dining experience.
I finally choose two restaurants. One is a pizzeria and the other provides varied Italian food. Italian food includes many kinds, but as a result of my taste is more Chinese, I finally choose pizza as my staple food. Base on these reasons, I pick a restaurant named “Seasons Plant Based Bistro”
The rating of this restaurant is up to 4.8, it is a perfect rating for me. Moreover, this restaurant also provides delivery and the most important reason I choose this one is its price is very reasonable. The cost of this restaurant is $11-$30. That’s in my comfort zone compares with other Italian restaurants. In addition, the flavor of Hang Loose makes me really enjoy it.
Some people will think some restaurants with higher prices will be good choices, That’s what sets me apart from them. During the process I choose a restaurant, I found that restaurants with high ratings and good value would be my main consideration.
What I realize in the consumer decision-making process is the process is a good description of the consumer’s psychology. Consumers are demanding but patient about the products they consume and When consumers feel happiness from the products they buy, they are willing to give a good evaluation to the manufacturers of the products.
Tencent social responsibility and Ethics.
Tencent Holdings Ltd
Tencent is the largest internet company in China. Tencent also is the world’s largest video game vendor, as well as one of the most financially valuable companies. Therefore, Tencent should assume greater social responsibility and ethics
Tencent companies divide social responsibility into four dimensions: Business dimensions, User dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension.
- Business dimensions: Tencent established the social responsibility department in 2010 in order to implement the strategy of Tencent social responsibility. And, Tencent also set up corporate social responsibility liaisons in every department to comprehensively promote corporate social responsibility work. Tencent also will safeguard the rights and interests of employees and ensure that employees receive long-term promotion and development opportunities in addition to income benefits
- User dimensions: Tencent will listen to the user and keep improving the service. Tencent also promises to be honest with the users and protect the rights and interests of users.
- Social dimensions: Provide necessary financial support and resource support to public welfare organizations to help them develop, expand their social influence, and create more and greater social value.
- Environment dimensions: Establish the principle of environmental priority, strategies for sustainable investment, and make a commitment to ecological sustainability.
Guardian Project: In order to appeal to the whole society share attention and participate in Anti-telecom network fraud and raise awareness of anti-fraud, Tencent jointly launched police in six different province anti-fraud public welfare special actions. (http://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/jishixinwen/202109/t20210923_9195425.htm)
99 Public Interest Day: The Tencent Charitable Foundation has announced it will invest 5 billion yuan for supporting public benefit items. (https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709503692732183665&wfr=spider&for=pc)
Social responsibility is always separated into 2 types, one is internal responsibility and the other is external responsibility. So, for creating a more ethical, socially responsible, and/or sustainable business, people have to do both of these things.
- Ethics should start at the top. Managers can help instill corporate values in employees. Trust between workers and managers must be based on fairness, honesty, openness, and moral integrity, and overly ambitious goals and incentives can create an environment in which unethical actions can occur. Then, the company should set corporate ethical standards, Integrity-based ethics codes, and Compliance-based ethics codes.
- Social responsibility, the company should have a responsibility to employees, customers, investors, society, and the environment. For doing this, the company should create jobs and provide a chance for upward mobility, treat employees with respect. The company needs to provide funds to nonprofits for doing commonweal to make company with good ethical reputations.

Jipeng Wu
Hello, everyone. My name is Jipeng Wu. My major is digital marketing. I am interested in NBA, playing game, watching movies, and listening K-POP. Here’s my BMCC email: JIPENG.WU001@stu.bmcc.cuny.edu