- Would you categorize the way the Jones family lives as personal selling? Why or why not?
I would categorize the Joneses family as completely personal selling. The Joneses have a unique and sales-driven approach of marketing their products, but they do so face-to-face, which allows them to optimize their sales figures and earnings. They had a highly effective method since, for one thing, the family had the most recent items and just needed to work with persuasion and promotional features to entice clients to acquire the product.
- What similarities do you see between the sales tactics the Jones family employs and the marketing tactics of some of your favorite brands? Give an example.
The connections I notice between the Jones family’s sales practices and the marketing tactics used by some of my favorite businesses are compelling. And the personal selling strategies they employ include talks that create connections and demonstrations that illustrate how a product works and the benefits it provides.
- Based on what you read in the course materials and what you observed in this movie, do you think the way products are marketed in this movie is ethical?
I believe that the way in which things are advertised in this film is immoral, because this type of marketing is carried out on people who are unaware that they are being marketed to. Their sales proposals are accepted passively by consumers. Customers should have the option of accepting or rejecting sales efforts.
- How would you feel if you were friends with someone in the Jones family before you found out their secret? What about afterward?
When considering whether or not to buy a thing, I don’t allow other people influence my decision. They didn’t do much damage. The majority of the negative outcomes that certain characters experienced were the result of their own choices. The Joneses are not to blame.