Author Archives: Cristal Flores

The Joneses

  • Would you categorize the way the Jones family lives as personal selling? Why or why not?

I would categorize the Joneses family as completely personal selling. The Joneses have a unique and sales-driven approach of marketing their products, but they do so face-to-face, which allows them to optimize their sales figures and earnings. They had a highly effective method since, for one thing, the family had the most recent items and just needed to work with persuasion and promotional features to entice clients to acquire the product.

  • What similarities do you see between the sales tactics the Jones family employs and the marketing tactics of some of your favorite brands? Give an example.

The connections I notice between the Jones family’s sales practices and the marketing tactics used by some of my favorite businesses are compelling. And the personal selling strategies they employ include talks that create connections and demonstrations that illustrate how a product works and the benefits it provides.

  • Based on what you read in the course materials and what you observed in this movie, do you think the way products are marketed in this movie is ethical?

I believe that the way in which things are advertised in this film is immoral, because this type of marketing is carried out on people who are unaware that they are being marketed to. Their sales proposals are accepted passively by consumers. Customers should have the option of accepting or rejecting sales efforts.

  • How would you feel if you were friends with someone in the Jones family before you found out their secret? What about afterward?

When considering whether or not to buy a thing, I don’t allow other people influence my decision. They didn’t do much damage. The majority of the negative outcomes that certain characters experienced were the result of their own choices. The Joneses are not to blame.


1.For the first example, what were the main reasons that the firm reversed their decision and returned to their initial channel mix?

The major reasons why the business reconsidered its choice in the first scenario were that their profitability had not changed much. They were also concerned about the impact their new distribution strategy was having on the integrity of their brands. The stores must be located in areas with a large concentration of consumers interested in high-quality jeans.

2. Do you agree with their decision?

I agree with their choice since their profitability was stagnant and they were concerned about the influence of their distribution mix on the integrity of their brand.

3. In the second example, do you agree with their choice of channel for their new watches? Why?

In the second case, I disagree with their channel choice for their new timepieces, which are their own low-cost digital watches, because they wish to sell them at premium rates through jewelry stores. They should instead place their new low-cost digital clocks on convenience shop shelves.

4. Do you think that most of their existing jewelry stores will be willing to stick and sell these new watches?

Because of the disparity between high and low costs, I believe that most of their existing jewelry retailers will be unwilling to remain around and offer the new watches. It will seem horrible if you go into the store expecting to see just premium pricing but instead see low prices, which will make you wonder why they are offering such disparate things. Instead, low-cost digital timepieces should be sold in convenience stores.

5. What other channels (retailers) should they also consider?

Given that these are new low-cost digital timepieces, I believe that additional routes (retailers) should be considered. And their profits might skyrocket.

Product Concepts

Dinesh’s last pitch regarding his company Incredible Eats was the one that struck me the most. His edible utensil offering isn’t groundbreaking, but his passion for it is. He hopes that by creating this device, he would be able to reduce the quantity of plastic trash produced by single-use plastic utensils.

I believe that if consumers have a responsibility to assist the world in combating global warming, we should put our words into action. Many people have taken to the streets in recent years to express their views on environmental issues, and our product is just one of many that can and will help us move in the right path.

Lori was correct in her assessment that the packaging needed to be updated; I believe Dinesh was attempting to integrate his product in with the other basic plastic utensil packaging. His product, however, is not the first, although it is a part of a Few. Many customers will buy anything that makes them feel comfortable, thus if they walk into a store and directly to the plastic forks, they will select the one they know and are acquainted with, entirely dismissing the rest and missing Dinesh’s groundbreaking innovation. A fresh design with greater disclaimers on the box might avoid this.

I also believe that this product has a lot of potential that is just waiting to be realized. Dinesh may believe that only restaurants are interested in his items at the time, but he is also disregarding a wide range of markets. One example is educational institutions, which serve over 13 million students every year and often invest in plastic spoons. They may also invest in and develop additional goods that could fit these culinary tools, such as ice trays, and offer reusable molding trays and the product batter to consumers to produce for themselves.

Consumer Decision Making

I’m in Salt Lake City and i’m looking for a good Italian restaurant. I’m staying at a hotel because i’m not familiar with the area so I would want my food delivered. I’m in the mood for pasta so I’ll find the best pasta in Salt Lake City.

The first step to finding a good restaurant is to see the reviews. I chose Stoneground Italian Kitchen. The rating is 4.5, its not that expensive and the reviews were actually helpful to making this decision.

Claudia De La Cruz said, “The food was amazing! Highly recommend this place. Atmosphere was cozy and elegant. Definitely visiting again!”  A lot of others left reviews like that and those were really helpful.

I also like to have a lot of options on the menu in case I change my mind about what I want to order. Looking at their menu and they have so many options. I also check the reviews about each different dish to see if its good.

The service and the prices is the last that I check and the prices are reasonable and the reviews say that the service is adequate. I’ve made my decision to order from this restaurant and I got the lasagna and it was probably the best lasagna I’ve ever had.

I discovered that understanding the customer decision-making process is critical, and that evaluations are really effective in making a selection. Reviews can really impact how you look at at restaurant online. My preferences might compare to other consumers by if they order the same thing as me and if they the same people wait on them.

Visa’s Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Employee Relations.

Before working for a business , we should consider ethical and social responsibility issues. This allows us to assess if the company’s ideology matches our own. A company’s employees should always be treated with respect. They should feel valued and respected.The business should provide you with resources to help you grow and and improve your economic livelihoods

A company such as Visa has a lot of social impact by giving back to businesses and communities. They give back to businesses by providing them with resources to help enable them skills and access to networks and financial services to help them grow their business. Small and micro businesses have priorities like Financial education and digital skill building.

Not only is the company giving back but Visa strongly supports its employees to make a difference in their communities in ways that inspire them, whether via volunteerism, philanthropy, or empowering individuals and communities who need it. They support them by giving their employees up to 16 hours off for volunteer work and matching gifts to $10,000 annually per employee.

Some of the best things that Visa did was contribute more than $23.5 million to charities and the visa foundation funded $22.7 million in grants. Also that the employees get time off for volunteering, that seems really cool and the small business owners get to network so that they can build their business. I think I might work for Visa in the future.

As a network that I only use when I use my debit card I think they are doing great on social responsibility. I don’t think that Visa should change what they are doing. This is exactly what companies and networks should be doing.
